Calcium alleen niet genoeg voor sterke botten

Yep, we horen het steeds weer; drink melk, eet yoghurt voor sterke botten. Maar calcium alleen doet de truc niet. Sterker nog; de landen waar het meest zuivel geconsumeerd wordt, zijn de landen met de hoogste aantallen osteoperose. 

Lees verder voor het artikel van Johnny Bowden over hoe het zit met calcium en sterke botten.  Met dank aan voedingskundige Fit met Jet


bron: Johnny Bowden
I have to say that it came as absolutely no surprise to me when the USDA's Agricultural News Service released a new study showing that calcium alone doesn't do a thing to protect against bone fractures. I've been saying for years that the calcium recommendations for Americans completely miss the point, which is that it's calcium balance- how much goes in vs. how much goes out- that's important, not the absolute amount of calcium you ingest.

The findings of the ANS also don't surprise me for a second reason: Calcium alone is pretty ineffective as a supplement. Calcium only works its magic when it's combined with synergistic minerals and vitamins that help it get into the bone where you want it to be.

Bess Dawson-Hughes, director of the Bone Metabolism Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston, Mass and her research team looked at calcium intake studies that had been published between January 1960 and December 2006. The studies overall included over 177,000 women and over 68,000 men.

The results? Calcium intake by itself "is not appreciably associated with hip fracture risk in men or women".

Does that mean you shouldn't take calcium? Not at all. But make sure you're taking a well-designed bone support formula (like Osteo Sheath, OsteoPrime Forte, or Cal-6-Mag all of which contain synergistic nutrients needed to produce a result- nutrients like magnesium, manganese, boron, silica, and especially vitamin D. Without at the very least magnesium and vitamin D, youâ€TMre not going to get the potential benefit of calcium.

Weight bearing exercise is one of the best bone strengtheners on the planet, and will do way more for you than taking 1500 mg of calcium or drinking three glasses a day of milk. And remember, it's about calcium balance- you need to pay attention to the "deficit" side of the equation, meaning the items in your diet that rob your body of calcium- like sugar, for example, or the phosphoric acid in sodas.

It's also worth pointing out that dairy isn't necessary for preventing osteoporosis. The countries with the highest dairy consumption also have the highest rates of osteoporosis.

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