Spinning Showtime


Een bekende naam op het programma van het World Spinning & Sports Conference (WSSC) '08 in Miami was die van de Britse Sarah Morelli (bekend is haar mantra die ze tijdens het spinnen eindeloos herhaalt 'Body to the bike, body to the bike, body to the bike').

Tijdens haar workshop 'It's Showtime: Encore!' leerde ze de deelnemende Spinning Instructors hoe je zelfverzekerd voor een groep staat en hoe je een groep met diverse persoonlijkheden kunt aanspreken. En ja; zijzelf gaf inderdaad meer dan het goede voorbeeld!

Lees verder voor de hand out van Sarah's workshop!

Description: Overall, Expect Audience Participation

• Spinning instructors tend to be passionate people. We LOVE to ride the bike, we LOVE music, we LOVE coming to WSSC! This session not only provides a glancing example of passionate people in this modern world but also provides a fun and interactive environment to channel our own passion and release it to our classes every week. Taking ideas from the stage and screen, you will take home a few ideas on how to open yourself up and show the world that you have arrived! Great for budding wannabe presenters who are a little nervous.

• We take a look into the sports and entertainment world, taking inspiration from strong, dynamic and inspirational individuals. These are our impact heroes and we take a look at various impact heroes to draw inspiration from. Example: It is quoted on Ali's official website "Ali has inspired millions worldwide. He gave people hope and proved that anyone could overcome insurmountable odds. He gave people courage. He made fighters of us all. This is Ali and never comes another."

Group Work: we will use a combination of these following skills within the workshop.
• The Seven States of Tension (from BOP, Behavioural, Observational Performance Training):

Using inspiration from theatre training we will experience and practice these seven states of

1. Exhaustion
2. Californian
3. Neutral
4. Presenter
5. Optimistic
6. Pessimistic
7. Rigor mortis

• Color-coding your members and yourself. Using inspiration from Synergy TrainingTM, we take a look at how to recognize personality traits in individuals that helps switch on the correct state and
perform at our best.
o Fiery red
o Sunshine yellow
o Earth green
o Cool blue

• K.A.V.: Kinesthetic-Audio-Visual. We take a humorous look at this learning input and do a little group work to experience how we communicate with our audience.

• Your voice is an instrument. You can learn to use it well. In this section of the session we have a little more fun finding your own voice and learning a little voice projection-no shouting aloud!

• This session is completed with a short ride to practically demonstrate the implementation of the skills learned within the workshop.


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Lees ook:Gooien met Spinning-fiets
Lees ook:Gooien met Spinning-fiets deel II
Lees ook:Een les effectiever dan twee achter elkaar
Lees ook:Spinning Tattoos

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